Antioxidantes naturales adicionados al aceite de maíz y sus emulsiones en agua para retardar su oxidación
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El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la acción antioxidante del extracto etanólico de ajo en la oxidación
de un aceite comestible (aceite de maíz) y sus emulsiones en agua. Se llevaron a cabo ensayos de
oxidación y a distintos intervalos de tiempo se evaluó el grado de oxidación mediante la determinación del
índice de peróxido, según AOCS (1997). Asimismo, se caracterizó el aceite utilizado al que se le determinó su composición en ácidos grasos por cromatografía gaseosa y se determinó si tenía algún antioxidante sintético adicionado por HPLC. Varios componentes del extracto de ajo son los responsables de su capacidad antioxidante, entre ellos los compuestos fenólicos. Éstos se midieron por métodos espectrofotométricos. También se estudió la cinética de formación de hidroperóxidos durante la oxidación de las emulsiones y se aplicó un modelo que considera reacción de orden 1 que ajustó satisfactoriamente los datos experimentales.
The aim of this work was the study of the antioxidant action of the garlic ethanolic extract in the oil (corn oil) and its water emulsions oxidation. Oxidation tests were carried out and at different time intervals the antioxidant activity was evaluated by the peroxide index (AOCS, 1997). Also, the oil was characterized in its fatty acid composition by gas chromatographic and it was determined if the oil held additional synthetic antioxidants by HPLC. Numerous components of the garlic extract are responsible of their antioxidant capacity, the phenolic compounds are some of them. These ones were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Furthermore, the kinetic study of the hidroperoxide formation during the oil and its emulsions oxidation was performed. A model that considers a reaction of one order was adjusted satisfactorily to the experimental data.
The aim of this work was the study of the antioxidant action of the garlic ethanolic extract in the oil (corn oil) and its water emulsions oxidation. Oxidation tests were carried out and at different time intervals the antioxidant activity was evaluated by the peroxide index (AOCS, 1997). Also, the oil was characterized in its fatty acid composition by gas chromatographic and it was determined if the oil held additional synthetic antioxidants by HPLC. Numerous components of the garlic extract are responsible of their antioxidant capacity, the phenolic compounds are some of them. These ones were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Furthermore, the kinetic study of the hidroperoxide formation during the oil and its emulsions oxidation was performed. A model that considers a reaction of one order was adjusted satisfactorily to the experimental data.
antioxidantes naturales, extracto de ajo, oxidación lipídica, aceites y emulsiones, natural antioxidant, garlic extract, lipidic oxidation, oils and emulsions
Proyecciones, Vol.5 No. 2
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