Soldadura de polímeros termoplásticos vía mallas calefactoras: su aplicación a piezas de geometría de revolución extensa y compleja: Parte 3: Fase experimental
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La determinación de una ventana de trabajo representativa de un correcto proceso de soldadura de polímeros termoplásticos a partir del seguimiento y control de la mera modificación de los valores relacionados a cada variable interviniente, implica un trabajo arduo, harto difícil y costoso. Soldar materiales con distintas propiedades – con o sin fase dispersa por ejemplo – complica aún más los caminos a seguir. Debido a ello se han analizado en las entregas anteriores la ocurrencia de los distintos fenómenos físicos –contacto íntimo, expansión térmica, flujo transversal de resina en la interfaz de soldadura y contracción volumétrica – intervinientes en cada una de las etapas del proceso. En este trabajo se establece el camino hacia la determinación de una ventana de trabajo fiable, basado en una certera fundamentación teórica a partir de la relación vinculante entre los fenómenos descriptos y las respuestas de las interfaces de soldadura sometidas a distintas solicitaciones mecánicas.
The determination of a working window representative of a correct process of welding of thermoplastic polymers from the monitoring and control of the mere modification of the values related to each intervening variable, implies an arduous, very difficult and expensi- ve work. Welding materials with different properties - with or without dispersed phase for example - further complicates the paths to follow. Due to this, the occurrence of the different physical phenomena - intimate contact, thermal expansion, transverse flow of resin in the welding interface and volumetric contraction - intervening in each of the stages of the pro- cess have been analyzed in the previous deliveries. This work establishes the way towards the determination of a reliable work window, based on an accurate theoretical foundation depending on the binding relationship between the phenomena described and the responses of the welding interfaces subjected to different mechanical stresses.
The determination of a working window representative of a correct process of welding of thermoplastic polymers from the monitoring and control of the mere modification of the values related to each intervening variable, implies an arduous, very difficult and expensi- ve work. Welding materials with different properties - with or without dispersed phase for example - further complicates the paths to follow. Due to this, the occurrence of the different physical phenomena - intimate contact, thermal expansion, transverse flow of resin in the welding interface and volumetric contraction - intervening in each of the stages of the pro- cess have been analyzed in the previous deliveries. This work establishes the way towards the determination of a reliable work window, based on an accurate theoretical foundation depending on the binding relationship between the phenomena described and the responses of the welding interfaces subjected to different mechanical stresses.
termoplasticos, insercion, soldadura, curvas desplaza- miento, resistencia traccion, thermoplastics, insertion, welding, displacement curves, tensile strength
Proyecciones, vol.16 nº. 2
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