Adquisición de las variables principales del reactor de nitruración
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Actualmente la lectura y toma de datos del reactor de nitruración perteneciente al Grupo de investigación de Ingeniería en Superficies (GIS) de la FRCU, se realiza manualmente, quedando la totalidad de los datos relevados por ensayo y su fiabilidad, en manos del operario.
Por esto surgió la necesidad de diseñar un sistema de adquisición de datos autónomo para su posterior construcción e implementación, que se ajuste a las necesidades técnicas y a las restricciones económicas que presenta actualmente el GIS, por lo que se volcó a utilizar los elementos de mejor características técnicas disponibles en la facultad y para los elementos faltantes se buscó aquellos que tengan los costes más bajos
Currently, the reading and data acquisition of the nitriding reactor, which is property of the Surface Engineering R&D Group (GIS) of the FRCU, it is being done manually. For this reason, the amount of data obtained and the reliability of it depends on the operator of the reactor. It is for this, that designing an automatic data acquisition system, for its later making and implementation, turned out to be a need. This system would have to meet the technical requirements and fit within the economical restrictions of the group. The project tried to use the elements with the best technical features available in the university, while aiming for the cheapest options in the market for the ones that were not.
Currently, the reading and data acquisition of the nitriding reactor, which is property of the Surface Engineering R&D Group (GIS) of the FRCU, it is being done manually. For this reason, the amount of data obtained and the reliability of it depends on the operator of the reactor. It is for this, that designing an automatic data acquisition system, for its later making and implementation, turned out to be a need. This system would have to meet the technical requirements and fit within the economical restrictions of the group. The project tried to use the elements with the best technical features available in the university, while aiming for the cheapest options in the market for the ones that were not.
Nitruración, Reactor, Nitruración iónica, Nitruración-plasma
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