Síntesis y caracterización de óxidos tipo ferritas de zn, cu, co y ni mediante el método de pechini modificado
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Se sintetizaron óxidos tipo ferritas siguiendo el método de Pechini modificado. Se obtuvieron cuatro
series de: Co, Cu, Zn y Ni a los que se varió su temperatura de calcinación (600°C, 800°C y 1000°C).
Se caracterizaron las estructuras por difracción de rayos X; mediante reducción con hidrógeno a
temperatura programada se determinaron las especies presentes. Por espectroscopia UV-Vis con
reflectancia difusa se calcularon las energías de corte. Exceptuando la ferrita de Zn calcinada a 1000°C
todos los materiales serían potencialmente activos en procesos fotocatalíticos empleando radiación
visible, ya que su energía de corte es inferior a 3 eV. Las propiedades magnéticas se evaluaron mediante
un magnetómetro de muestra vibrante. El aumento de la temperatura de calcinación mejora la
magnetización de saturación de las muestras con Cu mientras que, en las series de Co, Ni y Zn
disminuye. El campo coercitivo de las ferritas de Co y Cu disminuye a medida que aumenta la
temperatura de calcinación, en cambio en las ferritas de Zn mostró un leve aumento. Las ferritas de Ni
no mostraron variaciones significativas, podrían encontrarse en un régimen superparamagnéticas. En
general todas las muestras presentaron buenas propiedades magnéticas.
Oxides like ferrites were sintetizated by Pechini method modificated. Four series were obtained, one for each metal: Co, Cu, Zn y Ni varying the calcination temperature (600°C, 800°C and 1000°C). The structures were characterized by X ray diffraction. The spices in the samples were determinate with temperature programed reduction. The band gap energy was calculated by the Uv-vis spectra with diffuse reflectance. Except the highest calcined temperature Zn ferrite, may be possible to activate the samples with visible light in photocatalytic processes due to their band gap energy are low than 3 eV. Magnetic properties were evaluated by vibrant sample magnetometer. If the calcination temperature increases, the magnetic saturation increases in Cu ferrites. Although, in Co, Ni and Zn ferrites its decreases. The coercivity in Co and Cu ferrites decreases as the calcination temperature increases while in Zn ferrites increases. Ni ferrites do not show significant variations; they could be in a superparamagnetic state. All samples showed good magnetic properties.
Oxides like ferrites were sintetizated by Pechini method modificated. Four series were obtained, one for each metal: Co, Cu, Zn y Ni varying the calcination temperature (600°C, 800°C and 1000°C). The structures were characterized by X ray diffraction. The spices in the samples were determinate with temperature programed reduction. The band gap energy was calculated by the Uv-vis spectra with diffuse reflectance. Except the highest calcined temperature Zn ferrite, may be possible to activate the samples with visible light in photocatalytic processes due to their band gap energy are low than 3 eV. Magnetic properties were evaluated by vibrant sample magnetometer. If the calcination temperature increases, the magnetic saturation increases in Cu ferrites. Although, in Co, Ni and Zn ferrites its decreases. The coercivity in Co and Cu ferrites decreases as the calcination temperature increases while in Zn ferrites increases. Ni ferrites do not show significant variations; they could be in a superparamagnetic state. All samples showed good magnetic properties.
ferritas, método Pechini, capacidad de oxidación
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