Análisis de factibilidad técnica y económica de una empresa dedicada a la producción de desayunos y almuerzos saludables, elaborados a base de productos orgánicos e insumos biodegradables, con servicio take away
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El presente proyecto consiste en la creación de un local dedicado a la elaboración de viandas de carácter saludable aptas para diversas dietas y patologías que puedan padecer los clientes como ser diabetes, hipertensión, colesterol, obesidad, entre otras. En principio se contará con dos líneas de producción: desayunos y almuerzos, dentro de las cuales se incluirán cuatro menús: vegetariano, vegano, hipo sódico y sin restricciones. Se constituye bajo la denominación social “Healthy and teasty S.R.L”. La radicación de la empresa será en la ciudad de Córdoba Capital y las ventas buscarán cubrir el barrio de Nueva Córdoba. El canal de distribución empleado será, mayormente, directo con posibilidad de convertirse en indirecto en caso que el cliente realice la compra de manera virtual, en donde se hará uso de un intermediario para efectuar el envío del mismo. La idea del proyecto es ofrecer al público una alternativa de comida saludable y compatible a la dieta especifica del cliente, elaborada solo a base de alimentos orgánicos con proveedores certificados como tal. Asimismo, todos los insumos serán de carácter biodegradables, lo cual le brindará al cliente la seguridad de que le producto que está consumiendo es natural, sano, orgánico, libre de conservantes y a su vez amigable con el medio ambiente.
Para la puesta en marcha del mismo se requiere una inversión inicial de $ 5.097.233 y cuenta con una rentabilidad mínima del 50%. Considerando como alternativa de financiamiento el capital de terceros, la inversión se recupera a los 9 meses y 9 días; los indicadores arrojan una TIR de 346% y un VAN de $ 25.943.827.
This project consists in the creation of a place dedicated to the preparation of healthy food suitable for various diets and pathologies that customers may suffer from, such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, obesity and others. Initially there will be two production lines: breakfast and lunch, and this will have four menus: vegetarian, vegan, low sodium and without restrictions. It is constituted under the corporate name “Saludable y Teasty S.R.L”. The establishment of the company will be in the city of Córdoba Capital and the sales will seek to cover the neighborhood of Nueva Córdoba. The distribution channel used will be, for the most part,direct with the possibility of becoming indirect in the event that the client buys virtually, where an intermediary will be used to send it. The idea of this project is to offer the public a healthy food alternative that is compatible with the client's specific diet, made only from organic foods with certified suppliers as such. Likewise, all supplies will be biodegradable, which will provide the customer with the security that the product they are consuming is natural, healthy, organic, free of preservatives and, at the same time, friendly to the environment. The initial investment necessary to start up is $ 5.097.233 with a 50% rate of return. Considering thirdparty capital as a financing alternative, the investment will be returned after 9 months and 9 days; the indicators show TIR 346% and VAN de $ 25.943.827.
This project consists in the creation of a place dedicated to the preparation of healthy food suitable for various diets and pathologies that customers may suffer from, such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, obesity and others. Initially there will be two production lines: breakfast and lunch, and this will have four menus: vegetarian, vegan, low sodium and without restrictions. It is constituted under the corporate name “Saludable y Teasty S.R.L”. The establishment of the company will be in the city of Córdoba Capital and the sales will seek to cover the neighborhood of Nueva Córdoba. The distribution channel used will be, for the most part,direct with the possibility of becoming indirect in the event that the client buys virtually, where an intermediary will be used to send it. The idea of this project is to offer the public a healthy food alternative that is compatible with the client's specific diet, made only from organic foods with certified suppliers as such. Likewise, all supplies will be biodegradable, which will provide the customer with the security that the product they are consuming is natural, healthy, organic, free of preservatives and, at the same time, friendly to the environment. The initial investment necessary to start up is $ 5.097.233 with a 50% rate of return. Considering thirdparty capital as a financing alternative, the investment will be returned after 9 months and 9 days; the indicators show TIR 346% and VAN de $ 25.943.827.
Alimento-packaging, Alimento orgánico, Alimento biodegradable, Alimentación saludable, Healthy eating, Food organic, Food biodegradable, Food-packaging
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