Lecciones aprendidas de un facilitador novato de Design Thinking
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Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Córdoba
El Diseño Participativo (DP) es un enfoque centrado en las personas y se caracteriza por integrar al
equipo de diseño a los usuarios finales. Representa un valor agregado la posibilidad de que lo
diseñado sea novedoso y pueda otorgar beneficios superiores a los productos o servicios existentes.
Por tal motivo en este trabajo pone el foco en un abordaje del DP desde la mirada de Design
Thinking (DT). El éxito de este tipo de diseño depende fundamentalmente del rol del facilitador
que es el responsable del diseño y la conducción de la experiencia. Sin embargo, si el facilitador no
cuenta con un nivel de experticia apropiado puede provocar que el resultado del proceso de diseño
no cumpla con las expectativas y necesidades de los usuarios finales. Por esta razón el trabajo pone
el foco en las vivencias y aprendizajes que atraviesa un facilitador novato en una iteración de sus
primeras experiencias y que puede llegar a ser de utilidad a otros facilitadores novatos. El objetivo
de este trabajo es difundir las lecciones aprendidas, a partir de una iteración de una experiencia de
DP desde la visión de DT. Se presentan las lecciones aprendidas de un facilitador novato de DT
como un modo de asistir a los facilitadores que arrancan con sus primeras experiencias.
Participatory Design (PD) is a human-centred approach characterised by integrating end-users into the design team. It represents an added value, the possibility that what is designed is novel and can provide benefits to existing products or services. For this reason, this paper focuses on a Design Thinking (DT) approach to conduct PD. The success of DT depends fundamentally on the role of the facilitator, who is responsible for designing and conducting the experience. However, if the facilitator does not have an appropriate level of expertise, the design process may not achieve the expectations and needs of the end users. For this reason, the paper focuses on the experiences and learning that a novice facilitator goes through in an iteration of these first experiences, which may be helpful for other novice facilitators. This paper aims to disseminate the lessons learned from an iteration of a PD experience from the perspective of DT. Lessons learned from a novice DT facilitator are presented as a way to assist facilitators with their first experiences.
Participatory Design (PD) is a human-centred approach characterised by integrating end-users into the design team. It represents an added value, the possibility that what is designed is novel and can provide benefits to existing products or services. For this reason, this paper focuses on a Design Thinking (DT) approach to conduct PD. The success of DT depends fundamentally on the role of the facilitator, who is responsible for designing and conducting the experience. However, if the facilitator does not have an appropriate level of expertise, the design process may not achieve the expectations and needs of the end users. For this reason, the paper focuses on the experiences and learning that a novice facilitator goes through in an iteration of these first experiences, which may be helpful for other novice facilitators. This paper aims to disseminate the lessons learned from an iteration of a PD experience from the perspective of DT. Lessons learned from a novice DT facilitator are presented as a way to assist facilitators with their first experiences.
Diseño participativo, Design thinking, Facilitador novato
7mo Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería.2024
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