Diseño de grúa para Trenes Argentinos Cargas de Concordia
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Este proyecto consiste en el cambio y mejora del sistema de elevación de locomotoras para su correcto mantenimiento. El lugar donde se llevará a cabo es en el taller del área de mantenimiento de la estación de ferrocarril ubicada en la ciudad de Concordia, perteneciente a Trenes Argentinos Cargas. La tarea a realizar es el diseño de un correcto sistema de elevación, más seguro y eficiente que el utilizado en la actualidad. El sistema actual de izaje de locomotoras es realizado con una grúa ferroviaria Takraf con una capacidad de 120 toneladas, la misma fue adquirida para el uso en tareas de descarrilo en zonas aledañas. Además de cumplir con dicha tarea, es utilizada para tareas de mantenimiento lo cual no es correcto ni seguro. Para brindar una solución segura a las tareas de mantenimiento se propuso un diseño de 2 puentes grúa, los cuales en conjunto proporcionan la capacidad de carga para izar la locomotora de mayor porte de la flota que representaría el caso más desfavorable (120tn). Los mismos se instalarán en uno de los galpones existentes en el taller, al cual se le deberá realizar una remodelación en la altura de su techo ya que no cuenta con la altura requerida, es decir, es muy bajo y debe elevarse.
This project involves the change and improvement of the locomotive acceleration system for proper maintenance. The place where it will take place is the highest in the maintenance area of the railway station located in the city of Concordia, belonging to Argentinian Freight Trains. The task to be carried out is the design of a correct system that is correct, safer and more efficient than the one currently used. The current locomotive lifting system is carried out with a Takraf railway crane with a capacity of 120 tons, it was acquired for use in derailment tasks in surrounding areas. In addition to fulfilling this task, it is used for maintenance tasks which is neither correct nor safe. To provide a safe solution to the maintenance tasks, a design of 2 crane bridges was proposed, which together provide the load capacity to lift the largest locomotive in the fleet that would represent the most unfavorable case (120tn). They will be installed in one of the existing warehouses in the workshop, which will have to be remodeled at the height of its roof since it does not have the required height, that is, it is very low and must be raised.
This project involves the change and improvement of the locomotive acceleration system for proper maintenance. The place where it will take place is the highest in the maintenance area of the railway station located in the city of Concordia, belonging to Argentinian Freight Trains. The task to be carried out is the design of a correct system that is correct, safer and more efficient than the one currently used. The current locomotive lifting system is carried out with a Takraf railway crane with a capacity of 120 tons, it was acquired for use in derailment tasks in surrounding areas. In addition to fulfilling this task, it is used for maintenance tasks which is neither correct nor safe. To provide a safe solution to the maintenance tasks, a design of 2 crane bridges was proposed, which together provide the load capacity to lift the largest locomotive in the fleet that would represent the most unfavorable case (120tn). They will be installed in one of the existing warehouses in the workshop, which will have to be remodeled at the height of its roof since it does not have the required height, that is, it is very low and must be raised.
Grúa ferroviaria, Elevación de locomotoras, Puentes grúa, Trenes Argentinos Cargas
PFC 1909A Ingeniería Electromecánica FRCU
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