Tecnología big data y analítica aplicada a la gestión de recursos humanos en una entidad financiera. Un caso de estudio.
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Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
La utilización de la tecnología big data y analítica aplicada a la gestión de recursos humanos, people
analytics, indica que la empresa desea obtener, procesar, analizar e interpretar información, con el
propósito de mejorar las decisiones que se toman en el ámbito de la gestión del capital humano. Se está
cambiando la naturaleza básica de la gestión del capital humano para que evolucione desde un rol
transaccional a uno en donde su contribución estratégica se vuelve crucial.
El área de recursos humanos debe pasar de una etapa en donde las decisiones se toman a partir de la
intuición, a otra en donde las decisiones surgen del proceso inteligente de evidencias: la etapa de big
data, data mining y analítica aplicada a la gestión de recursos humanos. Esta investigación apunta de
manera directa a brindar las herramientas, técnicas y enfoques que faciliten dicha transición, asegurando
de este modo el rol estratégico del área. Actualmente, los avances tecnológicos son utilizados en todos
los sectores de las empresas, es la oportunidad de mejorar la capacidad para tomar decisiones basadas en el procesamiento inteligente de la información.
The use of big data and analytics applied to human resource management, people analytics, indicates that companies want to obtain, process, analyze and interpret information for the purpose of improving decisions made in the field of human capital management (HCM). Furthermore, the basic nature of HCM is evolving from a transactional role to one where its strategic contribution is becoming crucial. The field of human resources must advance from a stage where decisions are mostly based on intuition to a stage where decisions emerge from processing evidence intelligently: the stage of big data, data mining and analytics applied to HCM. This study is directed at providing tools, techniques and approaches that facilitate said transition, thus ensuring the strategic role of this field. Currently, technological advances are being adopted in all areas of companies; therefore, there is an opportunity of improving the decision-making process in the field of HCM based on the intelligent processing of information.
The use of big data and analytics applied to human resource management, people analytics, indicates that companies want to obtain, process, analyze and interpret information for the purpose of improving decisions made in the field of human capital management (HCM). Furthermore, the basic nature of HCM is evolving from a transactional role to one where its strategic contribution is becoming crucial. The field of human resources must advance from a stage where decisions are mostly based on intuition to a stage where decisions emerge from processing evidence intelligently: the stage of big data, data mining and analytics applied to HCM. This study is directed at providing tools, techniques and approaches that facilitate said transition, thus ensuring the strategic role of this field. Currently, technological advances are being adopted in all areas of companies; therefore, there is an opportunity of improving the decision-making process in the field of HCM based on the intelligent processing of information.
Analítica, Aprendizaje, Ausentismo, Bodega Ciencia de Datos, Clima, Datos, Desempeño, Dimensión, Flujo, Formación, Macrodata, Minería, Set, Visualización, Absenteeism, Analitycs, Big Data, Data Science, Dimension, Display, Environment, Flow, Learning, Mining, Performance, Training, Warehouse
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