En el camino de transformación a ciudades inteligentes Centro de Carga de EVS : caso San Miguel del Monte
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Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de una de las temáticas del PID 8479 “Desarrollos relacionados a los temas energéticos, que ayudan en el camino de transformación a ciudades inteligentes”. La propuesta general del PID es tomar como base una ciudad del interior de la provincia de Buenos Aires bajo la visión del “Modelo de Ciudades Inteligentes de País Digital” propuesta por la Argentina para la transformación de una ciudad convencional en una ciudad inteligente. En base a ello se proponen desarrollos y acciones relacionados a los temas energéticos que amalgaman con el modelo. Un objetivo específico del PID se presenta en este trabajo, el análisis y desarrollo del proyecto para la 1ª Estación de Recarga de Vehículos Eléctricos de la ciudad de San Miguel del Monte. Para cumplir con el objetivo específico, se utiliza la metodología de Diseño, Proyecto y Cálculo de Estaciones y Redes Eléctricas teniendo en cuenta el aprovechamiento de energías renovables y los lineamientos generales de estandarización Internacional y Local de una Estación de Recarga de Vehículos Eléctricos. Para las tareas el equipo se conforma con Profesores y Estudiantes, se inicia el desarrollo en un Proyecto Final de la Carrera, integrado
por 3 estudiantes supervisados por Profesores e integrantes del PID, hoy los estudiantes son Ingenieros Eléctricos y uno de ellos trabajando en la Carrera de Ingeniería Eléctrica y en el Proyecto de Desarrollo. A la fecha, el resultado obtenido es un análisis sobre la implantación de centros de cargas de vehículos eléctricos, su impacto para un crecimiento sustentable en un punto estratégico de la provincia de Buenos Aires, ciudad de San Miguel
del Monte. Como primera conclusión se puede afirmar que es importante para el desarrollo de estos centros u otras alternativas de recarga para vehículos eléctricos, contar con políticas de estado que generen incentivos para su implementación. Con base en este proyecto la propuesta es ampliar el desarrollo en el marco del PID 8479, donde se plantean otras alternativas que contemplen generación fotovoltaica, generación y recarga
distribuida a lo largo del corredor turístico de la ciudad. De esa manera se ayuda a la ciudad hacia el uso del Transporte Sustentable.
This work is part of one of the themes of PID 8479 "Developments related to energy issues, which help on the path of transformation to smart cities." e general proposal of the PID is to take as a base a city in the interior of the province of Buenos Aires under the vision of the "Model of Smart Cities of the Digital Country" proposed by Argentina for the transformation of a conventional city into a smart city. Based on this, developments and actions related to energy issues that blend with the model are proposed. A specific objective of the PID is presented in this work, it is the analysis and development of the project for the 1st Electric Vehicle Recharging Station in the city of San Miguel del Monte. To meet the specific objective, the methodology of Design, Project and Calculation of Stations and Electric Networks is used, taking into account the use of renewable energies and the general guidelines of International and Local standardization of an Electric Vehicle Recharging Station. For the tasks, the team is made up of Professors and Students, development begins in a Final Project of the Degree, made up of 3 students superviced by Professors and members of the PID, today the students are Electrical Engineers and one of them is working in the of Electrical Engineering Career and in the Development Project. To date, the result obtained is an analysis of the implementation of charging centers for electric vehicles, their impact for sustainable growth in a strategic point in the province of Buenos Aires, the city of San Miguel del Monte. As a first conclusion, it can be affirmed that it is important for the development of these centers or other charging alternatives for electric vehicles, to have state policies that generate incentives for their implementation. Based on this project, the proposal is to expand the development within the framework of PID 8479, where other alternatives are proposed that include photovoltaic generation, generation and distributed recharging along the city's tourist corridor. In this way, the city is helped towards the use of Sustainable Transportation.
This work is part of one of the themes of PID 8479 "Developments related to energy issues, which help on the path of transformation to smart cities." e general proposal of the PID is to take as a base a city in the interior of the province of Buenos Aires under the vision of the "Model of Smart Cities of the Digital Country" proposed by Argentina for the transformation of a conventional city into a smart city. Based on this, developments and actions related to energy issues that blend with the model are proposed. A specific objective of the PID is presented in this work, it is the analysis and development of the project for the 1st Electric Vehicle Recharging Station in the city of San Miguel del Monte. To meet the specific objective, the methodology of Design, Project and Calculation of Stations and Electric Networks is used, taking into account the use of renewable energies and the general guidelines of International and Local standardization of an Electric Vehicle Recharging Station. For the tasks, the team is made up of Professors and Students, development begins in a Final Project of the Degree, made up of 3 students superviced by Professors and members of the PID, today the students are Electrical Engineers and one of them is working in the of Electrical Engineering Career and in the Development Project. To date, the result obtained is an analysis of the implementation of charging centers for electric vehicles, their impact for sustainable growth in a strategic point in the province of Buenos Aires, the city of San Miguel del Monte. As a first conclusion, it can be affirmed that it is important for the development of these centers or other charging alternatives for electric vehicles, to have state policies that generate incentives for their implementation. Based on this project, the proposal is to expand the development within the framework of PID 8479, where other alternatives are proposed that include photovoltaic generation, generation and distributed recharging along the city's tourist corridor. In this way, the city is helped towards the use of Sustainable Transportation.
Recarga, Vehículos eléctricos, Impacto, Red eléctrica, Ciudad, Recharge, Electric vehicles, Impact, Electrical grid, City
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