Detección de riesgos ergonómicos y recomendaciones de mejora en el sector pintura puesto pre tratamiento de agua en la industria automotriz
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Escuela de Posgrado. Facultad Regional Buenos AIres
Esta investigación aborda la detección y gestión de riesgos ergonómicos en el puesto de pretratamiento de agua del sector de pintura en una planta automotriz, segmento de motocicletas en Campana, Argentina. Se aplicó el Programa de Ergonomía Integrado (PEI), según el marco legal argentino. Se analizaron los riesgos posturales y la manipulación manual de cargas. Se identificaron posturas forzadas críticas en el suministro de productos como cal y antiespumante, superando los límites de carga permitidos y elevando el riesgo de trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME). Los operarios también reportaron incomodidad con la indumentaria utilizada, corroborando lo observado.
Entre las mejoras implementadas, se destaca la instalación de una plataforma de 40 cm de altura que redujo las posturas forzadas, permitió cambiar la condición para ajustar los límites de carga a 32 kg y eliminar obstáculos al reorganizar el recorrido de mangueras. Adicionalmente, se promovió la incorporación de ropa de trabajo para mejorar el confort. Durante el segundo semestre de 2023, se ejecutó un programa de capacitación en manipulación de cargas y estandarización de posturas adecuadas, reforzado con carteleras visuales para promover las mejores prácticas. La reorganización del entorno de trabajo y la participación activa de los operarios en las decisiones fue fundamental para alcanzar estos resultados, mejorando tanto el bienestar como la productividad en el sector.
This research focuses on the detection and management of ergonomic risks in the water pretreatment station within the painting area of an automotive plant, specifically in the motorcycle segment, located in Campana, Argentina. The Integrated Ergonomics Pro gram ( was applied, following the Argentine legal framework. The analysis covered postural risks and manual handling of loads. Critical forced postures were identified during the handling of products such as lime and antifoam, exceeding permissible loa d limits and increasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders ( Workers also reported discomfort with the workwear, corroborating observations made during the evaluation. Among the implemented improvements, the installation of a 40 cm high platform s tands out. This modification reduced forced postures, allowed adjustments to meet a load limit of 32 kg, and eliminated obstacles by reorganizing the hose layout. Additionally, the introduction of more comfortable workwear was promoted. During the second s emester of 2023, a training program was conducted, focusing on manual handling techniques and standardizing appropriate postures, reinforced by visual boards to promote best practices. The reorganization of the work environment and the active involvement o f workers in decision making were fundamental to achieving these results, enhancing both well being and productivity in the sector. Keywords:
This research focuses on the detection and management of ergonomic risks in the water pretreatment station within the painting area of an automotive plant, specifically in the motorcycle segment, located in Campana, Argentina. The Integrated Ergonomics Pro gram ( was applied, following the Argentine legal framework. The analysis covered postural risks and manual handling of loads. Critical forced postures were identified during the handling of products such as lime and antifoam, exceeding permissible loa d limits and increasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders ( Workers also reported discomfort with the workwear, corroborating observations made during the evaluation. Among the implemented improvements, the installation of a 40 cm high platform s tands out. This modification reduced forced postures, allowed adjustments to meet a load limit of 32 kg, and eliminated obstacles by reorganizing the hose layout. Additionally, the introduction of more comfortable workwear was promoted. During the second s emester of 2023, a training program was conducted, focusing on manual handling techniques and standardizing appropriate postures, reinforced by visual boards to promote best practices. The reorganization of the work environment and the active involvement o f workers in decision making were fundamental to achieving these results, enhancing both well being and productivity in the sector. Keywords:
Ergonomía industrial; industria automotriz; pretratamiento de agua; trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME)