Silicatos mesoporosos modificados con zinc para su aplicación en la degradación de herbicidas mediante la reacción tipo foto-fenton heterogénea
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En los últimos años, los Procesos Avanzados de Oxidación (PAO’s) han sido ampliamente utilizados para la
destrucción y la mineralización de contaminantes orgánicos no biodegradables en las aguas residuales [1].
Estos PAO’s se basan en la generación de radicales libres muy reactivos, tales como radical hidroxilo
●OH) [2]. Recientemente, la atención se ha centrado en los procesos de oxidación avanzada fotoquímicos
heterogéneos basados en sistemas catalíticos heterogéneos, que proporcionan una separación y
recuperación del catalizador de las aguas residuales tratadas. Existen investigaciones que revelan que las
estructuras mesoporosas son preferibles para la degradación de agroquímicos [3]. En este sentido,
materiales mesoporosos del tipo MCM-41[4] son muy atractivos debido a su estructura bien ordenada,
estabilidad térmica, gran superficie específica y volumen de poros uniformes. Por lo tanto, el campo de
aplicación de estos materiales se ha extendido a la tecnología del medio ambiente.
En este trabajo se sintetizaron silicatos mesoporosos del tipo MCM-41 modificados con Zinc mediante el
método de impregnación húmeda con diferentes cargas del metal. Las diferentes meso-estructuras obtenidas
se caracterizaron mediante DRX, isotermas de adsorción-desorción de N2 a 77 K, TEM, ICP, UVvis-RD, y
se estudió su comportamiento como catalizadores heterogéneos en la reacción tipo foto-Fenton. Así, estos
materiales mesoporosos estructurados modificados con Zinc fueron probados con éxito en la reacción de
degradación de soluciones de un herbicida (atrazina) en agua, utilizando radiación UV-visible, temperatura
ambiente y un pH cercano al neutro. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el catalizador Zn/MCM-41(5)
exhibió la actividad más alta. Por lo tanto, el buen rendimiento de este material indica que esta reacción
tipo foto-Fenton heterogénea aparece como un pre- tratamiento muy prometedor capaz de mejorar la
biodegradabilidad de aguas contaminadas con productos químicos biorrecalcitrantes, como el herbicida
In recent years, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP’s) have been widely used for the destruction and mineralization of non-biodegradable organic pollutants in wastewater [1]. The AOPs almost rely on the generation of very reactive free radicals such as hydroxyl radical (●OH) [2]. Recently, attention has been focused on the heterogeneous photochemical advanced oxidation processes based on heterogeneous catalytic systems, which provide an easy separation and recovery of the catalyst from the treated wastewater. Many studies have shown that mesoporous structures are preferred for agrochemicals degradation [3]. In this sense, MCM-41[4] was one of the most attractive porous materials because of its characteristic well-ordered structure, thermal stability, large specific area, large pore volume and uniform mesopores. Thus, the application field of these materials has been extended to environmental technology. In this work, MCM-41 materials have been synthesized and modified with zinc by the wet impregnation method with different metal loadings. The different meso-structures obtained were characterized by different techniques such as XRD, N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm at 77 K, TEM, ICP, UVvis-RD, and their behaviors as heterogeneous catalysts in the photo-Fenton-like reaction were studied. Thus, zinc-containing mesostructured materials have been successfully tested for the heterogeneous photo-Fenton-like degradation of a model pollutant (atrazine) aqueous solutions using UV-visible irradiation at room temperature and close to neutral pH. The results showed that the Zn/MCM-41(5) catalyst exhibited the highest activity. Thus, the high performance of this material indicates that the heterogeneous photo-Fenton-like reaction appears as a very promising pre-treatment capable of enhancing the biodegradability of water contaminated with biorecalcitrant chemicals, as the herbicide atrazine.
In recent years, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP’s) have been widely used for the destruction and mineralization of non-biodegradable organic pollutants in wastewater [1]. The AOPs almost rely on the generation of very reactive free radicals such as hydroxyl radical (●OH) [2]. Recently, attention has been focused on the heterogeneous photochemical advanced oxidation processes based on heterogeneous catalytic systems, which provide an easy separation and recovery of the catalyst from the treated wastewater. Many studies have shown that mesoporous structures are preferred for agrochemicals degradation [3]. In this sense, MCM-41[4] was one of the most attractive porous materials because of its characteristic well-ordered structure, thermal stability, large specific area, large pore volume and uniform mesopores. Thus, the application field of these materials has been extended to environmental technology. In this work, MCM-41 materials have been synthesized and modified with zinc by the wet impregnation method with different metal loadings. The different meso-structures obtained were characterized by different techniques such as XRD, N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm at 77 K, TEM, ICP, UVvis-RD, and their behaviors as heterogeneous catalysts in the photo-Fenton-like reaction were studied. Thus, zinc-containing mesostructured materials have been successfully tested for the heterogeneous photo-Fenton-like degradation of a model pollutant (atrazine) aqueous solutions using UV-visible irradiation at room temperature and close to neutral pH. The results showed that the Zn/MCM-41(5) catalyst exhibited the highest activity. Thus, the high performance of this material indicates that the heterogeneous photo-Fenton-like reaction appears as a very promising pre-treatment capable of enhancing the biodegradability of water contaminated with biorecalcitrant chemicals, as the herbicide atrazine.
Silicatos mesoporosos modificados con zinc, Degradación de herbicidas, Reacción de foto-fenton heterogénea
16° Congreso Internacional de Metalurgia y Materiales (2016).
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