Estudio de la estabilidad de las especies de hierro en tamices mesoporosos SBA-15 desarrollados para su aplicación en procesos avanzados de oxidación
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Silicatos Fe/SBA-15 se sintetizaron por el método de impregnación húmeda. Se evaluó la influencia de dos
solventes (agua y etanol) y de dos temperaturas de calcinación (350 y 500 °C). Los sólidos se caracterizaron
por difracción de rayos X a alto ángulo, dispersión de rayos X a bajo ángulo, adsorción/desorción de N2,
microscopia de barrido electrónico con análisis de EDS y espectroscopia de UV-Vis con reflectancia difusa.
Se determinó que la temperatura de calcinación no tuvo una marcada influencia en las especies de hierro
formadas en los soportes silíceos y que el solvente influyó notablemente en el tamaño de las mismas. Al
utilizar etanol, las especies de óxido de hierro de menor tamaño, resultaron mayormente dispersas en el
interior de los canales. Para determinar la posibilidad de uso de los sólidos en procesos Fenton
heterogéneos aplicados a la degradación de contaminantes orgánicos en agua, se estudió la resistencia al
lixiviado de las especies de hierro depositadas en la matriz SBA-15 en función del pH de las soluciones (2,8;
3,5; 5,0). Los sólidos fueron notablemente estables a pH de 3,5 o superior, por lo que serían aptos para su
futuro uso como catalizadores, siempre que las soluciones tengan una acidez media.
Fe/SBA-15 silicates were synthesized by the wet impregnation method. The influence of the use of two solvents (water and ethanol) and two calcination temperatures (350 and 500 °C) was evaluated. The solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction at high angle, X-ray scattering at small angle, N2 adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy with EDS analyses and UV-Vis with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It was observed that the calcination temperature has not an important influence on the iron species formed on the support; instead the solvent has influence on their final size. In this sense, using ethanol, the highly dispersed iron oxide species of small size were mostly formed inside the channels. In order to evaluate the possibility of using the solids in Heterogeneous Fenton processes applied to the degradation of aqueous organic pollutants, the iron leaching from the surface support as a function of the pH solution was tested (pH of 2.8, 3.5 and 5.0). The materials were notably stable to the iron leaching at pH higher than 3.5, indicating that they are able to be used as catalysts as long as the solution has medium addity.
Fe/SBA-15 silicates were synthesized by the wet impregnation method. The influence of the use of two solvents (water and ethanol) and two calcination temperatures (350 and 500 °C) was evaluated. The solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction at high angle, X-ray scattering at small angle, N2 adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy with EDS analyses and UV-Vis with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. It was observed that the calcination temperature has not an important influence on the iron species formed on the support; instead the solvent has influence on their final size. In this sense, using ethanol, the highly dispersed iron oxide species of small size were mostly formed inside the channels. In order to evaluate the possibility of using the solids in Heterogeneous Fenton processes applied to the degradation of aqueous organic pollutants, the iron leaching from the surface support as a function of the pH solution was tested (pH of 2.8, 3.5 and 5.0). The materials were notably stable to the iron leaching at pH higher than 3.5, indicating that they are able to be used as catalysts as long as the solution has medium addity.
Fe/SBA-15, Síntesis y Caracterizaciön, Estabilidad, Ph
XXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis (2016).
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