Estrategia para el desarrollo sustentable de las empresas de origen familiar: La profesionalización de las gerencias, en el caso particular de empresas de Buenos Aires.
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Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
El objetivo principal de este trabajo de tesis es definir una estrategia que pueden adoptar las Empresas Familiares para alcanzar el desarrollo sustentable, entendiéndose como tal, la sobrevivencia a lo largo de varias generaciones, atravesando en algún punto de la curva de crecimiento, el proceso de profesionalización de sus gerencias, o de sus áreas estratégicas. Para lo cual, se plantearon los siguientes objetivos secundarios:
Diseñar la encuesta realizada a los fundadores / dirigentes de las EF seleccionadas, desarrollando los alcances que nos permitieron analizar las características de los procesos de profesionalización abordados por cada una de ellas.
Recopilar los datos referentes a EF seleccionadas, mediante las entrevistas llevadas a cabo, previo consentimiento de cada fundador / dirigente.
Analizar la información obtenida para verificar la hipótesis principal planteada.
Definir la estrategia planteada como objetivo principal, con el objeto de aportar alto valor agregado a quienes se interesen en la evolución de las EF argentinas.
Los alcances y restricciones planteados para el desarrollo del presente trabajo son los siguientes:
El análisis se centra en Empresas Familiares Argentinas, sitas en Buenos Aires.
Las Empresas seleccionadas son de diversos rubros de especialización.
Las entrevistas se llevaron a cabo con quienes actualmente dirigen las empresas seleccionadas, fundadores o dirigentes de las mismas.
Para el desarrollo y análisis del presente, se segmentaron las Empresas Familiares en distintos niveles, referidos a su nivel de facturación anual promedio:
SF1: EF con promedio de facturación anual de hasta diez millones de pesos.
SF2: EF con promedio de facturación anual entre once y treinta millones de pesos.
SF3: EF con promedio de facturación anual mayor a treinta millones de pesos.
El análisis se focalizará solo en la incidencia de la profesionalización en las EF seleccionadas.
La hipótesis principal del presente trabajo de tesis es la siguiente:
Las Empresas Familiares que han logrado sobrevivir a esa alta tasa de mortalidad que las caracteriza, han llevado a cabo en algún punto de la curva de su crecimiento, la profesionalización de sus gerencias y/o posiciones estratégicas.
A partir de la problemática planteada, surgen las siguientes hipótesis derivadas:
El fundador de la EF prioriza la confianza y el compromiso de los hijos y/o familiares por encima de lo preparado que puedan estar para cumplir con las responsabilidades asignadas.
Una de las primeras crisis que atraviesa el Fundador de la EF, responde a la falta de delegación de funciones.
La decisión sobre la sucesión de la EF debe ser tomada en vida del fundador, ya que podría ser muy complicado dejarlo librado a la generación siguiente.
En función de los problemas e hipótesis planteadas se adoptará la siguiente metodología para la investigación y el posterior análisis.
Como fuente principal de información, se realizará un trabajo de campo que contempla la entrevista a los fundadores / dirigentes de quince EF, a quienes se les hará una serie de preguntas estratégicamente diseñadas para que luego de un posterior análisis, podamos a partir de la información recibida, determinar la incidencia de los procesos de profesionalización en dichas empresas.
The main objective of this thesis is to define a strategy that can be used in Family Enterprises to achieve sustainable development, understanding as such, the survival over several generations, through a point in the growth curve, the process of professionalization of management or strategic areas. For that, the following secondary objectives were proposed: Design the survey carried out to the founders / leaders of the selected Family Enterprises, developing the scopes that allowed to analyze the characteristics of the professionalization processes addressed by each one of them. Collect data referring to selected Family Enterprises, through the interviews carried out, with previusly consent of each founder / leader. Analyze the information obtained to verify the main hypothesis. Define the strategy proposed as the main objective, in order to provide high added value to those who are interested in the evolution of Argentine Family Companies. The scope and restrictions proposed for the development of this work are: The analysis focuses on Argentine Family Enterprises, located in Buenos Aires. The selected companies are from different areas of specialization. The interviews were carried out with those who currently direct the selected enterprise, their´s founders or leaders. For the development and analysis of the present, the Family Enterprises were segmented into different levels, referring to their annual billing average: SF1: EF with annual billing average of up to ten million pesos. SF2: EF with average annual billing between eleven and thirty million pesos. SF3: EF with an annual billing average greater than thirty million pesos. The analysis will focus only on the incidence of professionalization in the selected Family Enterprises. The main hypothesis of the present thesis work is the following: The Family Companies that have managed to survive to high mortality rate that characterizes them, have carried out, at some point in the curve of their growth, the professionalization of their management and / or strategic positions. From the problematic raised, the following derived hypotheses arise: The Family Entrerprise founder prioritizes the trust and commitment of the children and / or family over they are suitable to fulfill the assigned responsibilities. One of the first crisis that crosses the Family Enterprise Founder, responds to the lack of function´s delegation. The decision of the Family Enterprise succession must be made while the founder it´s alive, as it could be very complicated leave it to the next generation. Depending on the problems and hypotheses, the following methodology will be adopted for the investigation and the subsequent analysis. As a main source of information, a fieldwork will be carried out that contemplates the interview with the founders / leaders of fifteen Family Enterprises, who will be asked a series of questions strategically designed so that after a subsequent analysis, we can determine the incidence of professionalization processes in these companies.
The main objective of this thesis is to define a strategy that can be used in Family Enterprises to achieve sustainable development, understanding as such, the survival over several generations, through a point in the growth curve, the process of professionalization of management or strategic areas. For that, the following secondary objectives were proposed: Design the survey carried out to the founders / leaders of the selected Family Enterprises, developing the scopes that allowed to analyze the characteristics of the professionalization processes addressed by each one of them. Collect data referring to selected Family Enterprises, through the interviews carried out, with previusly consent of each founder / leader. Analyze the information obtained to verify the main hypothesis. Define the strategy proposed as the main objective, in order to provide high added value to those who are interested in the evolution of Argentine Family Companies. The scope and restrictions proposed for the development of this work are: The analysis focuses on Argentine Family Enterprises, located in Buenos Aires. The selected companies are from different areas of specialization. The interviews were carried out with those who currently direct the selected enterprise, their´s founders or leaders. For the development and analysis of the present, the Family Enterprises were segmented into different levels, referring to their annual billing average: SF1: EF with annual billing average of up to ten million pesos. SF2: EF with average annual billing between eleven and thirty million pesos. SF3: EF with an annual billing average greater than thirty million pesos. The analysis will focus only on the incidence of professionalization in the selected Family Enterprises. The main hypothesis of the present thesis work is the following: The Family Companies that have managed to survive to high mortality rate that characterizes them, have carried out, at some point in the curve of their growth, the professionalization of their management and / or strategic positions. From the problematic raised, the following derived hypotheses arise: The Family Entrerprise founder prioritizes the trust and commitment of the children and / or family over they are suitable to fulfill the assigned responsibilities. One of the first crisis that crosses the Family Enterprise Founder, responds to the lack of function´s delegation. The decision of the Family Enterprise succession must be made while the founder it´s alive, as it could be very complicated leave it to the next generation. Depending on the problems and hypotheses, the following methodology will be adopted for the investigation and the subsequent analysis. As a main source of information, a fieldwork will be carried out that contemplates the interview with the founders / leaders of fifteen Family Enterprises, who will be asked a series of questions strategically designed so that after a subsequent analysis, we can determine the incidence of professionalization processes in these companies.
Administración de Negocios, Desarrollo Sustentable
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