Desarrollo de una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de fundas y soporte de madera para celulares
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El proyecto de inversión que se desarrollará a continuación, analiza la creación de una empresa dedicada a la fabricación y comercialización de Fundas y Soportes de madera para celulares.
La empresa trabajará constituyéndose como una Sociedad Anónima (S.A.) y comercializando sus productos bajo la marca “FunsoP Wood”.
Las presentaciones de ambos productos tendrán un diseño personalizado. Los tipos de madera determinadas para las fundas son: Ocelot, Guatambú, Incienso, Cedro y Paraíso, mientras que en los soportes la madera elegida es Guatambú. Estas fueron escogidas debido a su color, textura y adecuada manipulación en su uso.
El público objetivo son las clases media y alta, debido a que ambos productos tienen un elevado precio de venta y su consumo no es masivo ya que son nuevos en el mercado.
Actualmente, sus beneficios no están tan presentes en los consumidores, esto podría ir cambiando con el paso del tiempo.
Estará ubicada en el Microparque Industrial “NOGALIS”, en el Parque Industrial de Pilar, provincia de Buenos Aires, distribuyendo los productos desde allí a las provincias elegidas, las cuales son: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz y Chubut.
Para iniciar este proyecto se necesitará $15.375.534,44 de inversión, para lo que respecta en infraestructura (alquiler de planta), equipos, herramientas, muebles y útiles. El recupero de la inversión será a partir del cuarto año, obteniendo un financiamiento de capital propio.
Para escoger la mejor elección se comparó un financiamiento con capital propio y un financiamiento con capital de terceros, siendo la primera la mejor opción. Utilizando una TMAR del 50%, arrojando como VAN $2.533.187,51 y una TIR del 80%.
The investment Project that will be developed below analyzes the creation of a company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of wooden covers and supports for cell phones. The company will work by establishing itself as a Limited Company (S.A.) and marketing its products under the brand name "FunsoP Wood". The presentations of both products will have a personalized design. The types of wood determined for the covers are: Ocelot, Guatambú, Incense, Cedro and Paraíso, while in the supports the chosen wood is Guatambú. These were chosen due to their color, texture and proper handling in use. The public target is the middle and upper classes, because both products have a high selling price and their consumption is not massive since they are new to the market. Currently, its benefits are not so present in consumers, this could change over time. It will be located in the "NOGALIS" Industrial Micropark, in the Campana Industrial Park, province of Buenos Aires, distributing the products from there to the chosen provinces, which are: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz and Chubut. To start this project, an investment of $15,375,534.44 will be needed, for what concerns infrastructure (plant rental), equipment, tools, furniture and fixtures. The recovery of the investment will be from the fourth year, obtaining a financing of own capital. To choose the best choice, financing with own capital and financing with third-party capital were compared, the latter giving the best option. Using a TMAR of 50%, yielding as NPV $2,533,187.51 and an IRR of 80%.
The investment Project that will be developed below analyzes the creation of a company dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of wooden covers and supports for cell phones. The company will work by establishing itself as a Limited Company (S.A.) and marketing its products under the brand name "FunsoP Wood". The presentations of both products will have a personalized design. The types of wood determined for the covers are: Ocelot, Guatambú, Incense, Cedro and Paraíso, while in the supports the chosen wood is Guatambú. These were chosen due to their color, texture and proper handling in use. The public target is the middle and upper classes, because both products have a high selling price and their consumption is not massive since they are new to the market. Currently, its benefits are not so present in consumers, this could change over time. It will be located in the "NOGALIS" Industrial Micropark, in the Campana Industrial Park, province of Buenos Aires, distributing the products from there to the chosen provinces, which are: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz and Chubut. To start this project, an investment of $15,375,534.44 will be needed, for what concerns infrastructure (plant rental), equipment, tools, furniture and fixtures. The recovery of the investment will be from the fourth year, obtaining a financing of own capital. To choose the best choice, financing with own capital and financing with third-party capital were compared, the latter giving the best option. Using a TMAR of 50%, yielding as NPV $2,533,187.51 and an IRR of 80%.
Wooden support, Wooden plate, Thermoplastic polyurethane, Funda de madera, Soporte de madera, Poliuretano termoplástico
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