Diseño de una planta hormigonera móvil
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Este proyecto trata sobre el diseño de una planta hormigonera móvil para ser usada en sitios de contrucción, como casas y otros edificios pequeños. La planta será automática, autosuficiente y tendrá todos los contenedores e instrumentos incorporados, por lo que podrá estar lista con solo unos minutos de preparación.
El diseño comienza con una investigación sobre el proceso de fabricación del hormigón. Para los agregados y el concreto, se diseñaron tolvas y transportadores para mover esos materiales al mezclador. Para llevar el agua y los aditivos químicos, se seleccionarion tanques, bombas y tuberías. Fue estudiado y diseñado una mezcladora de hormigón de tipo planetario.
Muchos de los mecanismos son accionados hidráulicamente a través de motores y cilindros. Asi, se presta especial atención al diseño de circuitos hidráulicos. Las compuertas de las tolvas se mueven con cilindros neumáticos, por lo que también se diseña un pequeño circuito neumático. Se diseña un circuito eléctrico trifásico para alimentar y proteger los componentes eléctricos.
Si bien no se incluye un diseño detallado del sistema automático, se seleccionan todos los sensores y otroso componentes fundamentales. Finalmente se realiza una propuesta de diseño básico para la interfáz hombre-máquina, tanto física como virtual a travéz de una pantalla HMI.
This project is abaut the design of a mobile concrete batching plant to be used in small construccion sites such like houses and other small buildings. The plant will be automatic, seft sufficient and have all the bins and instruments built in, so could be ready with just a few minutes of preparation. The design starts with a research about the concrete manufacturing process. For he aggregates and the concrete, were designed hoppers and converyors to move that materials to the mixer. To bring the water and chemical additives, was selected tanks, pumps and pipelines. A planetary type concrete mixer was studied and designed. Many of the mechanism are hydraulically driven throgh motors and cylinders. So, special interest is given to the desing of hydraulics circuits. The hoppers gates are moved with pneumatic cylinders, so a small pneumatic circuit is designed too. A trifasic electric circuit is designed, to feed and protect the electric components. Althoough a detailed design of the automatic system is not included, all sensors and other fundamental components are selected. Finally, a basic design proposition for the human-machine interface is made, both fisical and virtual through a HMI display.
This project is abaut the design of a mobile concrete batching plant to be used in small construccion sites such like houses and other small buildings. The plant will be automatic, seft sufficient and have all the bins and instruments built in, so could be ready with just a few minutes of preparation. The design starts with a research about the concrete manufacturing process. For he aggregates and the concrete, were designed hoppers and converyors to move that materials to the mixer. To bring the water and chemical additives, was selected tanks, pumps and pipelines. A planetary type concrete mixer was studied and designed. Many of the mechanism are hydraulically driven throgh motors and cylinders. So, special interest is given to the desing of hydraulics circuits. The hoppers gates are moved with pneumatic cylinders, so a small pneumatic circuit is designed too. A trifasic electric circuit is designed, to feed and protect the electric components. Althoough a detailed design of the automatic system is not included, all sensors and other fundamental components are selected. Finally, a basic design proposition for the human-machine interface is made, both fisical and virtual through a HMI display.
Hormigonera móvil, Planta automática, Hormigón-fabricación
PFC 1705A Ingeniería Electromecánica FRCU
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