Modelo para la determinación de los parámetros reológicos de un aderezo saludable considerando la influencia de la temperatura
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El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar la influencia de la temperatura en los parámetros reológicos de un aderezo para ensaladas, saludable y con bajo contenido graso. Así podrá predecirse el
comportamiento del producto durante su procesamiento a escala industrial. Para la caracterización reológica de las emulsiones se ha utilizado un viscosímetro rotacional y un baño termostático, midiendo las propiedades de las muestras a diferentes temperaturas entre 5 y 45 oC.
Las muestras de aderezo mostraron un comportamiento de flujo No Newtoniano, pseudoplástico y tixotrópico, ajustándose a la Ley de Potencia (ecuación de Ostwald-de Waele). El método
matemático utilizado para el cálculo de los coeficientes que relacionan dichos índices con la temperatura se basa en un modelo de regresión polinomial. Ha resultado satisfactorio el ajuste del
modelo con los resultados experimentales obtenidos.
The aim of this work is to study the temperature influence on rheological parameters of a healthy and low fat content salad dressing. Thus, the behavior of the product under industrial scale processing could be predicted. For the rheological characterization of emulsions a rota- tional viscometer and a thermostatic bath were used and the samples properties at different temperatures, ranging from 5 to 45 oC, were measured. The dressing samples showed a non Newtonian, pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior, which could be properly described by the Power Law (Ostwald-de Waele equation). Mathematical processing applied to evaluate the influence of temperature on coefficients is based in a po- lynomial regression model. The experimental data were satisfactorily adjusted by this model.
The aim of this work is to study the temperature influence on rheological parameters of a healthy and low fat content salad dressing. Thus, the behavior of the product under industrial scale processing could be predicted. For the rheological characterization of emulsions a rota- tional viscometer and a thermostatic bath were used and the samples properties at different temperatures, ranging from 5 to 45 oC, were measured. The dressing samples showed a non Newtonian, pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior, which could be properly described by the Power Law (Ostwald-de Waele equation). Mathematical processing applied to evaluate the influence of temperature on coefficients is based in a po- lynomial regression model. The experimental data were satisfactorily adjusted by this model.
reología de aderezos, temperatura, regresión polinomial, dressing rheology, temperature, polynomial regression
Proyecciones, Vol.12 No. 2
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