Caracterización de armónicos de corriente en cargas de uso final de instalaciones residenciales
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Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología
Los avances tecnológicos de los últimos años han dado lugar a la inserción de nuevos aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos en las viviendas residenciales. El uso de computadoras, televisores, rectificadores, lámparas fluorescentes, microondas, etc. han originado efectos indeseados en las redes eléctricas. Estas cargas acusan una distorsión armónica de la onda de corriente alterna por tener una impedancia alineal, esto conlleva a efectos indeseados como sobrecalentamiento de los conductores, aumento de las pérdidas eléctricas, resonancia, interferencias, etc. En este trabajo, se realizaron mediciones de calidad de energía con el fin de analizar el impacto de estas cargas alinéales en una vivienda residencial y con las mediciones obtenidas se analizaron los siguientes parámetros: Tasa de distorsión armónica de corriente, Factor de potencia, magnitudes y ángulos de fase de las corrientes armónicas. Los resultados obtenidos verificaron los efectos que producen las cargas alinéales en la instalación eléctrica.
Technological advances in recent years have given rise to the insertion of new electrical and electronic devices in residential dwellings. The use of computers, televisions, rectifiers, fluorescent lamps, microwaves, etc. have caused undesired effects in the electrical network. These loads show a harmonic distortion of the alternating current wave due to their aligned impedance, which leads to undesired effects such as an increase in the conductor's temperature and electrical losses, resonance, interference, etc. In this work, power quality measurements were carried out in order to analyze the impact of these aligned loads in a residential house and with the measurements obtained, the following parameters were analyzed: harmonic current distortion rate, power factor, magnitudes and phase angles of the harmonic currents. The results obtained verified the effects produced by the non-lineal loads on the electrical installation.
Technological advances in recent years have given rise to the insertion of new electrical and electronic devices in residential dwellings. The use of computers, televisions, rectifiers, fluorescent lamps, microwaves, etc. have caused undesired effects in the electrical network. These loads show a harmonic distortion of the alternating current wave due to their aligned impedance, which leads to undesired effects such as an increase in the conductor's temperature and electrical losses, resonance, interference, etc. In this work, power quality measurements were carried out in order to analyze the impact of these aligned loads in a residential house and with the measurements obtained, the following parameters were analyzed: harmonic current distortion rate, power factor, magnitudes and phase angles of the harmonic currents. The results obtained verified the effects produced by the non-lineal loads on the electrical installation.
Viviendas residenciales, Distorsión armónica, Calidad de energía, Rresidential dwellings, Harmonic distortion, Power quality
Manassero, U. et al. (26 y 27 de octubre de 2022). Caracterización de armónicos de corriente en cargas de uso final de instalaciones residenciales. Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2022. UTN. Facultad Regional San Francisco, Argentina.
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