Soldadura de polímeros termoplásticos vía mallas calefactoras: su aplicación a piezas de geometría de revolución extensa y compleja
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La soldadura por resistencias de materiales termoplásticos posibilita un ensamble fiable y
competitivo para el conformado de estructuras complejas y extensas. Basa su ventaja en la
capacidad de fluir de los materiales termoplásticos. Cuando son calentados a temperaturas
superiores a la de fusión propician un mojado interfacial estableciendo un proceso de con-
tacto íntimo y difusión molecular entre las caras a soldar. La recuperación de las propiedades
iniciales se efectúa a partir del control de los mecanismos de recristalización asociados a la
etapa de enfriamiento.
Resistance welding of thermoplastic materials allows a reliable and competitive assembly for ma- nufacturing complex and extensive structures. This process bases its advantage on the flowability of thermoplastic materials. When heated at temperatures above the melting point they allow in- terfacial wet, establishing intimate contact and molecular diffusion processes between the faces to be welded. Recovery of initial properties is accomplished by controlling the mechanisms associated with recrystallization during the cooling step.
Resistance welding of thermoplastic materials allows a reliable and competitive assembly for ma- nufacturing complex and extensive structures. This process bases its advantage on the flowability of thermoplastic materials. When heated at temperatures above the melting point they allow in- terfacial wet, establishing intimate contact and molecular diffusion processes between the faces to be welded. Recovery of initial properties is accomplished by controlling the mechanisms associated with recrystallization during the cooling step.
polímeros, termoplásticos, soldadura, mallas calefactoras, estructuras complejas, polymers, thermoplastics, welding, resistance heating meshes, complex structures
Proyecciones, Vol. 14 No. 2
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