Planta de subproductos avícolas Fadel S.A.
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Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay.
Este documento está referido al diseño de una planta de subproductos avícolas para la empresa FADEL S.A. ubicada en la localidad de Pronunciamiento E.R. Ésta tiene como fin el procesamiento de materias incomestibles provenientes de la faena de aves para obtener como productos finales harinas y aceite utilizados en la elaboración de alimentos balanceados. El proyecto comprende desde el diseño, cálculo y selección de los sistemas de transporte de la materia prima entre plantas de faena y rendering, hasta el diseño, layout y selección de equipos y máquinas de las líneas de proceso de plumas, sangre y vísceras. Además se diseñan y calculan los equipos para tratamiento de vahos, y en cuanto a los servicios sólo se realiza el cálculo de la demanda de electricidad, vapor y GLP.
This document refers to the design of a poultry by-product plant for the company FADEL S.A. located in the town of Pronunciamiento E.R. The purpose of this is to process inedible materials from the slaughter of chickens to obtain flour and oil as final products used in the production of balanced feed. The project includes the design, calculation and selection of transport systems for the raw material between slaughter and rendering plants, and the design, layout and selection of equipment and machines for the process lines of feathers, blood and guts. In addition, the equipment for treatment of vapors is designed and calculated, and in terms of services, only the calculation of the demand for electricity, steam and PLG is carried out.
This document refers to the design of a poultry by-product plant for the company FADEL S.A. located in the town of Pronunciamiento E.R. The purpose of this is to process inedible materials from the slaughter of chickens to obtain flour and oil as final products used in the production of balanced feed. The project includes the design, calculation and selection of transport systems for the raw material between slaughter and rendering plants, and the design, layout and selection of equipment and machines for the process lines of feathers, blood and guts. In addition, the equipment for treatment of vapors is designed and calculated, and in terms of services, only the calculation of the demand for electricity, steam and PLG is carried out.
Planta avícola, Subproducto avícola, Materia prima
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