Desarrollo de una empresa de producción y comercialización de baldosas ecológicas producidas a partir de neumáticos fuera de uso
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En el presente documento se analiza la factibilidad de invertir en una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de pisos y baldosas producidas con caucho reciclado, proveniente de neumáticos fuera de uso, generando una oportunidad para reintroducirlos en el ciclo económico, fomentando la economía circular. El principio básico de este modelo aplica la regla de reducir, reutilizar, reparar y reciclar en un círculo continuo, es un proceso que convierte a las empresas en
entes mucho más sostenibles sin impacto ambiental.
La empresa comercializará los productos bajo la marca WHuella y será constituida bajo una Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S.R.L). La misma ofrecerá 3 tipos de pisos, clasificados en baldosas y pisos continuos. Un modelo de baldosa es encastrable, la cual no necesita adherirse a la superficie, y el otro modelo es una baldosa cuadrada con bordes lisos, la cual deberá ser asegurada con un pegamento a la superficie donde se desea instalar, ambas presentaciones en medidas de 1m x 1m y 0,60m x 0,60m, en diferentes grosores. En lo referido al piso continuo, se
ofrecen los materiales para producirlo y el servicio de instalación. Estos productos pueden ser utilizados en diferentes aplicaciones y ambientes, tales como, espacios deportivos, jardines de infantes, espacios públicos, residencias de adultos mayores, y hogares.
Los clientes de la empresa serán corralones, casas de venta de artículos de la construcción, gimnasios, clubes y público en general. Las provincias a las que se comercializará en un principio son Buenos Aires y Entre Ríos.
La planta de fabricación y sus oficinas se encontrarán ubicadas en el Parque Industrial Suarez, el cual está situado en el Partido de San Martin, Provincia de Buenos Aires, el lugar de ubicación es estratégico debido a la cercanía al mercado, cercanía a los proveedores de materias primas y el fácil acceso y conexiones a rutas nacionales. Se aprovecha el servicio que ofrece el parque de disponer de unidades en alquiler pasa uso industrial, tomando en alquiler una infraestructura de 574 m2.
El proyecto requiere de una inversión de $7.036.942 pesos argentinos, considerando la inversión en muebles y equipos, maquinarias, y herramientas necesarias para la puesta en marcha de la empresa.
Para recuperar esta inversión se analizaron dos opciones: la primera con financiamiento propio, la cual permitiría un recupero de la inversión en 2 años, un VAN de $35.410.881 y una TIR de 115%.
La segunda opción es con financiamiento a través de una entidad bancaria, mediante un préstamo para cubrir el 70% del activo de trabajo, que se capitaliza a través del sistema francés, con un plazo de 5 años, a una tasa del 35%, el cual permitiría un periodo de recupero de 1 año, obteniendo un VAN de $40.617.246 y una TIR de 198%. Para ambos casos se utilizó una TMAR del 50%, y se obtuvo una mayor TIR en la opción de financiamiento de terceros.
The following document’s goal is to analyze the feasibility to invest into a company dedicated to the production and merchandising of floors and tiles produced by recycled rubber which comes from out of use tires. The principal objective of this project is to reduce, reuse, repair and recycle without generating a global impact in our earth. The company will trade the products under license of “WHuella” and it will be constituted by a limited-liability company, in Spanish terms: S.R.L. WHuella will offer three different types of floors, classify into tiles and continuous floors. One of the tile models is embedded so there is no need to be adhered to the surface, and the other model is a square tile with smooth edges in which a special glue will be needed to be adhered. Both of them will have a measure of 1m x 1m and 0,60m x 0,60m. Materials and service will be included in the setting-up. These products could also be used into different spaces such as public spaces, sport clubs, kindergartens, schools, shelters, among others. The company's clients will be farmyards, houses selling construction items, gyms, clubs and the general public. The provinces to which it will be marketed initially are Buenos Aires and Entre Ríos. The factory and its offices will be located in Parque Industrial Suarez, Buenos Aires, Argentina due to the closeness to suppliers, the trade and the connection to national routes that will facilitate the merchandising. The project requires a sum of $7.036.942 taking into account the investment of furniture and equipment, machineries and tools necessary for the future company. Two options were analyzed to reimburse the amount of money spent: The first one will be own financing which it is supposed to give me back, in two years, the investment made. A NPV of $35.410.881 and an IRR of 115%. The second option will be a bank financing through a loan to cover the 70% of active work which is going to be capitalized through “Sistema Francés” with a term of five years, to a rate of 35%, with a retrieval of one year, getting a NPV of $40.617.246 and an IRR of 198%. For both cases, an ARR of 50% was used, and a higher IRR was obtained in the option with third-party financing.
The following document’s goal is to analyze the feasibility to invest into a company dedicated to the production and merchandising of floors and tiles produced by recycled rubber which comes from out of use tires. The principal objective of this project is to reduce, reuse, repair and recycle without generating a global impact in our earth. The company will trade the products under license of “WHuella” and it will be constituted by a limited-liability company, in Spanish terms: S.R.L. WHuella will offer three different types of floors, classify into tiles and continuous floors. One of the tile models is embedded so there is no need to be adhered to the surface, and the other model is a square tile with smooth edges in which a special glue will be needed to be adhered. Both of them will have a measure of 1m x 1m and 0,60m x 0,60m. Materials and service will be included in the setting-up. These products could also be used into different spaces such as public spaces, sport clubs, kindergartens, schools, shelters, among others. The company's clients will be farmyards, houses selling construction items, gyms, clubs and the general public. The provinces to which it will be marketed initially are Buenos Aires and Entre Ríos. The factory and its offices will be located in Parque Industrial Suarez, Buenos Aires, Argentina due to the closeness to suppliers, the trade and the connection to national routes that will facilitate the merchandising. The project requires a sum of $7.036.942 taking into account the investment of furniture and equipment, machineries and tools necessary for the future company. Two options were analyzed to reimburse the amount of money spent: The first one will be own financing which it is supposed to give me back, in two years, the investment made. A NPV of $35.410.881 and an IRR of 115%. The second option will be a bank financing through a loan to cover the 70% of active work which is going to be capitalized through “Sistema Francés” with a term of five years, to a rate of 35%, with a retrieval of one year, getting a NPV of $40.617.246 and an IRR of 198%. For both cases, an ARR of 50% was used, and a higher IRR was obtained in the option with third-party financing.
Baldosas, Piso amortiguante, Caucho reciclado, Piso continuo, Economía circular, Merchandising, Public spaces, Recycled rubber, Continuous floors, Tiles
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