Estudio técnico económico de utilización de efluentes en granja de cerdos
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La producción porcina intensiva y tecnificada, en Argentina, aún se encuentra transitando un proceso de transformación que abarca varios aspectos relacionados con la incorporación de tecnología y con el consecuente aumento de la productividad.
Los animales de este rubro, es decir cerdos, generan un gran volumen diario de efluentes, también llamado purín, el cual si no es tratado adecuadamente puede ocasionar efectos negativos tales como contaminación ambiental tanto en suelo, agua y aire.Este aspecto ha sido relevante para incrementar los niveles de eficiencia en los criaderos, planteando distintos tipos de aprovechamiento del purín.
Para esto se realizaron relevamientos de las distintas técnicas y tecnologías disponibles para este fin, centrándose en el uso de biodigestor generador de biogás el cual se quemará en un motor a combustión acoplado a un generador eléctrico a fin de abastecer a la granja de energía eléctrica.
Finalmente cabe destacar que se proyecta con criterios técnicos y económicos, a fin de determinar la factibilidad y rentabilidad del equipo, teniendo en cuenta la legislación actual, procurando lograr un menor mantenimiento, mayor vida útil y sencilla operatividad.
Intensive and technified pig production in Argentina is still undergoing a transformation process that encompasses various aspects related to the incorporation of technology and the consequent increase in productivity. The animals in this category (that is, pigs) generate a large daily volume of effluents (also called slurry), which if not treated properly can cause negative effects such as environmental pollution in soil, water and air. This aspect has been relevant to increase efficiency levels in hatcheries, proposing different types of slurry use. For this, surveys of the different techniques and technologies available for this purpose were carried out, focusing on the use of a biogas generator biodigester which will burn in a combustion engine coupled to an electric generator in order to supply the farm with electricity. Finally, it should be noted that it is projected with technical and economic criteria, in order to determine the feasibility and profitability of the equipment, taking into account current legislation, trying to achieve less maintenance, longer useful life and simple operation
Intensive and technified pig production in Argentina is still undergoing a transformation process that encompasses various aspects related to the incorporation of technology and the consequent increase in productivity. The animals in this category (that is, pigs) generate a large daily volume of effluents (also called slurry), which if not treated properly can cause negative effects such as environmental pollution in soil, water and air. This aspect has been relevant to increase efficiency levels in hatcheries, proposing different types of slurry use. For this, surveys of the different techniques and technologies available for this purpose were carried out, focusing on the use of a biogas generator biodigester which will burn in a combustion engine coupled to an electric generator in order to supply the farm with electricity. Finally, it should be noted that it is projected with technical and economic criteria, in order to determine the feasibility and profitability of the equipment, taking into account current legislation, trying to achieve less maintenance, longer useful life and simple operation
Producción porcina, Efluente purin, Contaminación ambiental, Biodigestor, Cerdos
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