Catalizadores en base a hierro soportado en nanotubos de Al2O3 para la fotodegradación de atenolol
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La contaminación debida a residuos farmacológicos y cosméticos es un fenómeno cuyos efectos sanitarios y
ambientales aún no son lo suficientemente conocidos. Este grupo de “contaminantes emergentes”,
comprende a los productos farmacéuticos y del cuidado personal, esteroides, surfactantes, pesticidas y
colorantes, entre otros. Su descarga y permanencia en el medioambiente genera una creciente preocupación
debido a los posibles riesgos para la salud de los seres humanos y los efectos nocivos sobre los sistemas
ecológicos. Se sintetizaron y caracterizaron nanotubos de alúmina impregnados con 2, 6 y 10 % de hierro,
para ser empleados en la degradación fotocatalítica del Atenolol (ATN). Por DRX se verificaron las señales
caracteristics de la γ-Al2O3. El área superficial disminuyó con el aumento del contenido hierro oscilando
entre 87 y 116 m
/g.Este efecto es atribuido al bloqueo que produce la agregación de la fase activa sobre la
superficie interna del nanotubo.La presencia de hierro fue confirmada por Adsorción Atómica, obteniéndose
porcentajes similares a los teóricos. Además, por TEM, se confirmó la estructura tipo nanotubo del soporte
con una longitud promedio de 81 ±5 nm. Los materiales fueron evaluados catalíticamente en la degradación
del ATN obteniendo porcentajes de degradación deL 72 %.
Pollution due to pharmacological and cosmetic waste is a phenomenon whose health and environmental effects are not yet sufficiently known. This group of "emerging pollutants" includes pharmaceutical and personal care products, steroids, surfactants, pesticides and dyes, among others. Its discharge and permanence in the environment generates a growing concern due to the possible risks to human health and the harmful effects on ecological systems. Alumina nanotubes impregnated with 2, 6 and 10% of iron were synthesized and characterized to be used in the photocatalytic degradation of Atenolol (ATN). By XRD, the characteristic signals of γ-Al2O3 were verified. Surface area decreased when increasing iron content, varying from 116 to 87m2 /g. This effect is attributed to the blockage produced by the aggregation of the active phase on the inner surface of the nanotube. The presence of iron was confirmed by Atomic Adsorption with results similar to theoretical quantities. In addition, the nanotube structure of the support was confirmed by TEM, with an average length of 81 ± 5 nm. The materials were evaluated catalytically by ATN degradation obtaining degradation percentages of 72%.
Pollution due to pharmacological and cosmetic waste is a phenomenon whose health and environmental effects are not yet sufficiently known. This group of "emerging pollutants" includes pharmaceutical and personal care products, steroids, surfactants, pesticides and dyes, among others. Its discharge and permanence in the environment generates a growing concern due to the possible risks to human health and the harmful effects on ecological systems. Alumina nanotubes impregnated with 2, 6 and 10% of iron were synthesized and characterized to be used in the photocatalytic degradation of Atenolol (ATN). By XRD, the characteristic signals of γ-Al2O3 were verified. Surface area decreased when increasing iron content, varying from 116 to 87m2 /g. This effect is attributed to the blockage produced by the aggregation of the active phase on the inner surface of the nanotube. The presence of iron was confirmed by Atomic Adsorption with results similar to theoretical quantities. In addition, the nanotube structure of the support was confirmed by TEM, with an average length of 81 ± 5 nm. The materials were evaluated catalytically by ATN degradation obtaining degradation percentages of 72%.
Remediación, Drogas farmacológicas, Nanomateriales
XXVI Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis
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