Síntesis de materiales mesoporosos con fuerza ácida variable. Evaluación catalítica para la obtención del precursor del Nylon 6
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Se sintetizaron nanomateriales MCM-41 “vía convencional” con Aluminio y Boro mediante
incorporación directa del heteroátomo en el gel inicial. Se lograron estructuras del tipo Al-MCM-41 y
B-MCM-41, con arreglo hexagonal de canales altamente ordenado, elevados valores de área específica
y alta regularidad estructural evidenciada por DRX y TEM. El procedimiento de síntesis empleado
permitió la incorporación del heteroátomo en la red que condujo a la formación de silanoles nido en
sitios de defectos estructurales, evidenciada por IR-TF. Estudios de adsorción-desorción de piridina
seguidos por IR-TF manifestaron una acidez de Brønsted muy débil para el caso de los materiales con
Al y moderada para los materiales con B, asociada a estos silanoles nido. Se sintetizaron también
materiales mesoporosos “vía precursores zeolíticos”, demostrándose que la presencia de dominios
zeolíticos origina una mayor fuerza ácida. Se compararon las propiedades estructurales y la naturaleza,
origen, proporción y fuerza de los sitios ácidos generados en las estructuras sintetizadas. Se evaluaron
catalíticamente estos materiales en la Reacción de reordenamiento de Beckmann en fase vapor para la
obtención de e-Caprolactama (monómero del nylon 6) a partir de ciclohexanona oxima, presentando
mayor selectividad al producto deseado los materiales con acidez de Brønsted débil.
Nanomaterials MCM-41 "conventional way" were synthesized with Aluminum and Boron by direct incorporation of the heteroatom in the initial gel. Al-MCM-41 and B-MCM-41 structures were achieved, with highly ordered hexagonal channel arrangement, high specific area values and high structural regularity evidenced by XRD and TEM. The synthesis procedure employed allowed the incorporation of the heteroatom in the network that led to the formation of nest silanols at sites of structural defects evidenced by IR-TF. Adsorption-desorption studies of pyridine followed by IR-TF showed a very weak Brønsted acidity for the case of materials with Al and moderate for materials with B, associated with these silanols nest. Mesoporous materials were also synthesized "via zeolite precursors", demonstrating that the presence of zeolitic domains gives rise to a greater acidic strength. The structural properties and the nature, origin, proportion and strength of the acid sites generated in the synthesized structures were compared. These materials were catalytically evaluated in the Beckmann rearrangement reaction in vapor phase to obtain e-Caprolactam (nylon 6 monomer) from cyclohexanone oxime, with materials with weak Brønsted acidity being more selective to the desired product.
Nanomaterials MCM-41 "conventional way" were synthesized with Aluminum and Boron by direct incorporation of the heteroatom in the initial gel. Al-MCM-41 and B-MCM-41 structures were achieved, with highly ordered hexagonal channel arrangement, high specific area values and high structural regularity evidenced by XRD and TEM. The synthesis procedure employed allowed the incorporation of the heteroatom in the network that led to the formation of nest silanols at sites of structural defects evidenced by IR-TF. Adsorption-desorption studies of pyridine followed by IR-TF showed a very weak Brønsted acidity for the case of materials with Al and moderate for materials with B, associated with these silanols nest. Mesoporous materials were also synthesized "via zeolite precursors", demonstrating that the presence of zeolitic domains gives rise to a greater acidic strength. The structural properties and the nature, origin, proportion and strength of the acid sites generated in the synthesized structures were compared. These materials were catalytically evaluated in the Beckmann rearrangement reaction in vapor phase to obtain e-Caprolactam (nylon 6 monomer) from cyclohexanone oxime, with materials with weak Brønsted acidity being more selective to the desired product.
Materiales mesoporosos, Fuerza ácida, Nylon 6
XX Congreso Argentino de Catálisis (2017).
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