Estrategias para el fortalecimiento del sistema de control de alimentos para la gestión de riesgos en materia de alérgenos alimentarios.
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Escuela de Posgrado - UTN FRBA
Las alergias alimentarias son un problema de salud pública que puede deteriorar la calidad de vida de la población susceptible con síntomas leves, o severos como las reacciones anafilácticas.
Se abordaron cuatro ejes para identificar estrategias de mejora: se compararon legislaciones de 73 países, se relevaron productos alimenticios envasados para evaluar el cumplimiento del artículo 235 séptimo del CAA (2019-2021). Se determinaron trazas de alérgenos mediante kits comerciales ELISA y se recopilaron las percepciones de la población encuestada sobre la lectura del rótulo, el rol de las empresas y organismos reguladores.
En el 20% de los países analizados se permite explícitamente el etiquetado precautorio. Las inconsistencias más recurrentes en los rótulos incluyeron las expresiones “contiene gluten”, “contiene trazas”. Los alérgenos más declarados por contacto cruzado fueron: maní, almendras, huevo y leche. En varias de las muestras se utilizaron frases de advertencia y no se detectaron trazas de los alérgenos analizados. La comunicación del retiro de productos alcanzó 65% y 7% para las opciones “baja difusión” y “muy clara”, respectivamente.
Las autoridades de control deben avanzar hacia un nivel adecuado de protección y las empresas alimentarias, cumplir con la responsabilidad de brindar información confiable.
Food allergies are a public health problem that can deteriorate life quality of susceptible population with symptoms that can be minor or severe as anaphylactic reactions. Four axes were addressed to identify improvement strategies: Regulations of 73 countries were compared, packaged food products were surveyed to assess compliance to article 255 7th of the CAA (2019-2021); ELISA commercial kits were employed to determine traces of food allergens, and the perception of the surveyed population about label reading, the role of food companies and regulatory agencies was gathered. Precautionary labelling is explicitly allowed in 20% of the analyzed countries. The most frequent inconsistencies in labelling included phrases like „contains gluten‟, „contains traces.‟ The cross-contamination allergens more frequently declared were: peanuts, almonds, eggs and milk. Many of the samples included warning phrases, although no traces of the analyzed allergens were detected. Communication of products recalls was 65% and 7% for „low diffusion‟ and „very clear,‟ respectively. Supervisory authorities must advance to an adequate level of protection, and food companies must comply with their responsibility of giving reliable information.
Food allergies are a public health problem that can deteriorate life quality of susceptible population with symptoms that can be minor or severe as anaphylactic reactions. Four axes were addressed to identify improvement strategies: Regulations of 73 countries were compared, packaged food products were surveyed to assess compliance to article 255 7th of the CAA (2019-2021); ELISA commercial kits were employed to determine traces of food allergens, and the perception of the surveyed population about label reading, the role of food companies and regulatory agencies was gathered. Precautionary labelling is explicitly allowed in 20% of the analyzed countries. The most frequent inconsistencies in labelling included phrases like „contains gluten‟, „contains traces.‟ The cross-contamination allergens more frequently declared were: peanuts, almonds, eggs and milk. Many of the samples included warning phrases, although no traces of the analyzed allergens were detected. Communication of products recalls was 65% and 7% for „low diffusion‟ and „very clear,‟ respectively. Supervisory authorities must advance to an adequate level of protection, and food companies must comply with their responsibility of giving reliable information.
Alérgenos alimentarios, Alergias alimentarias, Etiquetado de alérgenos, Gestión de los riesgos, Enfoques preventivos, Nivel adecuado de protección de la salud, Control de alimentos, Food allergens, Food allergy, Allergen labelling, Risk management, Precautionary approach, Adecquate standard of health protection, Food control
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