Análisis y evaluación de factibilidad de una empresa de elaboración y comercialización de productos a base de maní
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El presente proyecto de inversión analiza la factibilidad de poner en marcha una empresa dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de productos a base de maní.
La empresa trabajará bajo el nombre “Alimentos MV”, constituyéndose como una Sociedad Anónima y comercializando sus productos bajo la marca “Sumaní”.
Los productos a comercializar serán: pasta de maní, sabores: clásica, crocante, con almendras, con nueces, con cacao y con chips de chocolate, en presentaciones de 250 gr, 400 gr y 1,5 kg; maní pelado y tostado sin sal, maní pelado y tostado con sal, maní crocante sabor jamón y sabor queso, en presentaciones de 100 gr, 250 gr, 500 gr y 1 kg.
Se pretenderá llegar a un público que busque mejorar su alimentación, comercializando productos ricos, saludables, sin conservantes y libres de gluten, que impacten positivamente en la salud de los consumidores.
Estará ubicada en la provincia de Córdoba, en el Parque Industrial Logístico y Tecnológico Villa María, desde dónde se comercializarán los productos.
Para iniciar las actividades se necesitará una inversión de $ 242.246.667, en la cual se considera el terreno, la infraestructura, las maquinarias y el mobiliario.
Se analizó el financiamiento con capital propio y con capital de terceros, concluyendo en que es conveniente utilizar el financiamiento externo.
El VAN que arroja esta opción, con una TMAR del 50% es de $ 238.518.180 y la TIR del 129,18%, recuperando la inversión al cabo de un año y 1 mes.
This investment project analyzes the feasibility of starting a company dedicated to the production and marketing of peanut-based products. The company will work under the name ‘Food MV’, establishing itself as a limited company and marketing its products under the ‘Sumani’ brand. The product to be sold will be: peanut paste, flavors: classic, crunchy, with almonds, with nuts, with cocoa and with chocolate chips, in presentations of 250 gr, 400 gr and 1,5 kg. Peeled and roasted without salt, peeled and roasted with salt, crunchy ham-flavored and cheese -flavored peanuts, in presentations of 100gr, 250 gr, 500 gr and 1 kg. The company aim will reach an audience that seeks to improve their diet, by commercializing rich, healthy products, without preservatives and gluten- free, that have a positive impact on the health of consumers. It will be located in the province of Córdoba, in the Villa María Logistics and Technological Industrial Park, from where the products will be marketed. To start up the company, an investment of $ 242.246.667 will be needed. Which includes the land, infrastructures, machinery and furniture. Financing with own capital and with capital from third parties was analyzed, concluding that is convenient to use external financing. The VAN produced by this option, with a TMAR of 50% is $ 238.518.180 and the TIR of 129,18%, recovering the investment after a year and 1 month.
This investment project analyzes the feasibility of starting a company dedicated to the production and marketing of peanut-based products. The company will work under the name ‘Food MV’, establishing itself as a limited company and marketing its products under the ‘Sumani’ brand. The product to be sold will be: peanut paste, flavors: classic, crunchy, with almonds, with nuts, with cocoa and with chocolate chips, in presentations of 250 gr, 400 gr and 1,5 kg. Peeled and roasted without salt, peeled and roasted with salt, crunchy ham-flavored and cheese -flavored peanuts, in presentations of 100gr, 250 gr, 500 gr and 1 kg. The company aim will reach an audience that seeks to improve their diet, by commercializing rich, healthy products, without preservatives and gluten- free, that have a positive impact on the health of consumers. It will be located in the province of Córdoba, in the Villa María Logistics and Technological Industrial Park, from where the products will be marketed. To start up the company, an investment of $ 242.246.667 will be needed. Which includes the land, infrastructures, machinery and furniture. Financing with own capital and with capital from third parties was analyzed, concluding that is convenient to use external financing. The VAN produced by this option, with a TMAR of 50% is $ 238.518.180 and the TIR of 129,18%, recovering the investment after a year and 1 month.
Pasta de maní, Comercialización, Libre de gluten, Peanut paste, Gluten-free, Commercialization
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