Rodajas de plátano fritas impregnadas con calcio y reducidas en contenido lipídico
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El objetivo de este trabajo fue diseñar un snack de plátano (Musa Paradisiaca) fortificado en calcio (316
mg/100g), reducido en contenido de lípidos (5,3 g/100 g) y sodio (20,6 mg/100g). El tratamiento de las rodajas de plátano (chips) consistió en un pretratamiento por osmodeshidratación e impregnación simultánea (OD/I) con calcio durante 30 min. Posteriormente, las rodajas se recubrieron con una película de solución acuosa de carboximetilcelulosa, CMC, al 0,25 % para reducir la absorción de aceite durante la subsiguiente fritura. Los lípidos del snack poseen principalmente ácidos grasos insaturados: un 57,23 % de ácido graso linoleico y 25,9 % de ácido graso oleico.
The aim of this work was to design a banana (variety Musa Paradisiaca) snack fortified in calcium (316 mg/100g), reduced in lipid content (5,3 g/100g) and sodium (20,6 mg/100g). The treatment of the banana slices (chips) consisted of a pretreatment by osmodehydration and simultaneous impregnation (OD/I) with calcium during 30 min. Afterwards, they were covered with a film of carboxymethylcellulose, CMC (0.25 % in aquous solution) to reduce oil absorption during later frying. The lipids in the snack have mainly un- saturated fatty acids: 57,23% linoleic fatty acid and 25,9% oleic fatty acid.
The aim of this work was to design a banana (variety Musa Paradisiaca) snack fortified in calcium (316 mg/100g), reduced in lipid content (5,3 g/100g) and sodium (20,6 mg/100g). The treatment of the banana slices (chips) consisted of a pretreatment by osmodehydration and simultaneous impregnation (OD/I) with calcium during 30 min. Afterwards, they were covered with a film of carboxymethylcellulose, CMC (0.25 % in aquous solution) to reduce oil absorption during later frying. The lipids in the snack have mainly un- saturated fatty acids: 57,23% linoleic fatty acid and 25,9% oleic fatty acid.
snack de plátano, plátano fortificado con ca, snack reducido en lípidos, recubrimiento con cmc, banana snack, banana fortified with calcium, snack reduced in lipid, coating with cmc
Proyecciones Vol. 21 (1)
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