Small scale field tests of water infiltration for compacted silty loess soil


Silty loess soils are widely spread on Córdoba city, Argentina. The ability to use this soil improved by compaction on embankments it is of interest to different types of local constructions, with purpose of reducing settlements and infiltration. This work research the water infiltration through compacted silty soils from Córdoba by small scale field test. Four small test embankments were constructed on natural soil with different compaction conditions using local silty soils. The site was characterized by typical geotechnical laboratory and field tests. The infiltration tests were performed using double ring infiltrometers for a time period around of 2 months. Results were used to field permeability estimated (kf) and these were compared with laboratory results (kl). Conclusions regarding the behavior observed in the field are presented.



Embankment Test, Double Ring Infiltrometers, Site Investigation, Córdoba Soil




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