Semirremolque extensible para cargas especiales
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En el presente Proyecto Final correspondiente a la carrera de grado de Ingeniería
Mecánica dictada en la UTN Facultad Regional Villa María, se realiza el desarrollo de un
Semirremolque Extensible para Cargas Especiales.
Este desarrollo está compuesto de un trabajo integro de planificación, investigación,
análisis, diseño y simulación; con el fin de lograr los resultados más óptimos y fehacientes
posibles. Basando cada proceso de cálculo tanto con los marcos legales reglamentarios,
y con los fenómenos físicos a los que estará sometido este equipo destinado al transporte
de cargas.
La Ley de Transito Nacional N° 24.449, compuesta por diferentes decretos es la que
impone todas las pautas legales para que se pueda transitar. A partir de ella se obtienen
los primeros argumentos de diseños, con los cuales debe cumplir la unidad, como lo son
principalmente los límites de carga y distancias obligatorias. Y por su parte, en función
de los conocimientos adquiridos en estos años, más la búsqueda de información, es
posible analizar los fenómenos a los que se somete potencialmente el semirremolque, y
desglosar así las fases iniciales de los primeros cálculos.
Este semirremolque en particular se caracteriza por varios aspectos que lo diferencian
de otras unidades de transporte ya sean para funciones similares o no. Principalmente
estos aspectos son los tres ejes direccionales independientes que posee; la capacidad de
transportar eficientemente cargas cuando se encuentre cerrado (15,4 metros) como
cuando se extiende (45,52 metros); también por implementar un material especial como
lo es el MLC 500 en lo que refiere a la estructura, reduciendo el peso del equipo y
aumentando la capacidad de carga entre otras ventajas. Y el último aspecto por el cual se
diferencia es por su esquema de suspensión independiente del tipo paralelogramo
deformable , el cual al día de la fecha solo se están realizando prototipos en otros países,
y que con su aplicación se lograran obtener múltiples ventajas que no poseen los
semirremolques hoy en día.
Se busca aportar tanto una solución al transporte de carga especial de grandes
dimensiones, como también así que esta sea una solución diferente y de vanguardia.
Realizando esto bajo un proceso de estudio con el fin de formar un criterio adecuado y
riguroso, para con el realizar un adecuado análisis y posteriormente efectuar los cálculos
tanto manuales como también la verificación con herramientas que aplican el método de
modelado de elementos finitos, utilizando el software “SolidWorks” en cada componente
que forma parte de este semirremolque, con el objetivo de tener un diseño resistente, que
posea altas prestaciones, con una buena relación costo/beneficio, y que cumpla con las
necesidades que se requiera transportar.
In the present Final Project corresponding to the degree of Mechanical Engineering taught at the UTN Villa María Regional Faculty, the development of an Extendable Semitrailer for Special Loads is carried out. This development is made up of an integral work of planning, investigation, analysis, design and simulation; in order to achieve the most optimal and reliable results possible. Basing each calculation process both with the regulatory legal frameworks, and with the physical phenomena to which this cargo transportation will be subjected. The "Ley de Transito Nacional N° 24.449", made up of different decrees is the one that imposes all the legal guidelines so that it can travel. From it the first design arguments are obtained, with which the unit must comply, as are mainly the load limits and mandatory distances. And for its part, based on the knowledge acquired in these years, plus the search for information, it is possible to analyze the phenomena to which the semitrailer is potentially subjected, and the initial phases of the first calculations are broken down. This particular semi-trailer is characterized by several aspects that differentiate it from other transport units whether for similar functions or not. Mainly these aspects are the three independent directional axes that it has; the ability to efficiently transport loads when closed (15.4 meters) and when extended (45.52 meters); also for implementing special material such as the MLC 500, which reduces the weight of the equipment and allows a greater load capacity, among other advantages. And the last aspect for which it differs is due to its independent suspension scheme of the deformable parallelogram type, which to date is only making prototypes in other countries, and with its application it will be possible to obtain multiple advantages that the freight transportation today. The aim is to provide both a solution for the transport of special cargo of large dimensions, as well as making this a different and avant-garde solution. Carrying out this under a study process in order to form an adequate and rigorous criterion, in order to carry out an adequate analysis and subsequently carry out both manual calculations and a verification by tools such as the finite element method, using the software "SolidWorks” in each component that is part of this semi-trailer, with the aim of having a resistant design, that has high performance, with a good cost / benefit ratio, and that meets the needs that are required to transport.
In the present Final Project corresponding to the degree of Mechanical Engineering taught at the UTN Villa María Regional Faculty, the development of an Extendable Semitrailer for Special Loads is carried out. This development is made up of an integral work of planning, investigation, analysis, design and simulation; in order to achieve the most optimal and reliable results possible. Basing each calculation process both with the regulatory legal frameworks, and with the physical phenomena to which this cargo transportation will be subjected. The "Ley de Transito Nacional N° 24.449", made up of different decrees is the one that imposes all the legal guidelines so that it can travel. From it the first design arguments are obtained, with which the unit must comply, as are mainly the load limits and mandatory distances. And for its part, based on the knowledge acquired in these years, plus the search for information, it is possible to analyze the phenomena to which the semitrailer is potentially subjected, and the initial phases of the first calculations are broken down. This particular semi-trailer is characterized by several aspects that differentiate it from other transport units whether for similar functions or not. Mainly these aspects are the three independent directional axes that it has; the ability to efficiently transport loads when closed (15.4 meters) and when extended (45.52 meters); also for implementing special material such as the MLC 500, which reduces the weight of the equipment and allows a greater load capacity, among other advantages. And the last aspect for which it differs is due to its independent suspension scheme of the deformable parallelogram type, which to date is only making prototypes in other countries, and with its application it will be possible to obtain multiple advantages that the freight transportation today. The aim is to provide both a solution for the transport of special cargo of large dimensions, as well as making this a different and avant-garde solution. Carrying out this under a study process in order to form an adequate and rigorous criterion, in order to carry out an adequate analysis and subsequently carry out both manual calculations and a verification by tools such as the finite element method, using the software "SolidWorks” in each component that is part of this semi-trailer, with the aim of having a resistant design, that has high performance, with a good cost / benefit ratio, and that meets the needs that are required to transport.
Mecánica, Semirremolque extensible, Funcionalidad, Suspensión independiente
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